Leah from TURSA standing and smiling in McDonalds talking about best employment outcomes for Martyn

Dedication & Hard Work Pays Off

Leah, a Disability Employment Advocate at TURSA, shared with us her passion for her work and her sense of satisfaction when she was able to secure a positive outcome for Martyn. During the conversation, Leah’s face lit up with a genuine smile, demonstrating her commitment to her role. In addition, her dedication to working with employers to find suitable employment for Martyn showcases the exceptional work done by the entire TURSA team. 

Working with Martyn, Leah secured a best employment outcome, this in turn has been life changing for him.  We share his story below 

If you are keen to work and are managing a disability, experience the genuine support from our TURSA Team, it’s easy, register HERE

Martyn got the best employment outcome now working at McDonalds and smiling in his uniform
Best Outcomes start with Perserverence

Martyn, a man who faced challenges from meningitis as a baby, had been working as a volunteer at Currumbin Sanctuary for 11 years before COVID hit and he found himself at a loss.

Despite his limitations in speech and fine motor skills, he was determined to find paid work for the first time in his life.

Leah, his Disability Employment Advocate, worked tirelessly with him, using reverse marketing tactics to showcase Martyn’s strengths and value as an employee. They walked around to pet stores, nurseries, and vets, handing out Martyn’s resume. 

Hard Work Paid Off

As a result, their hard work paid off.  A new franchise owner took over a local McDonald’s and expressed interest in diversifying their workforce. 

Leah submitted Martyn’s resume and highlighted his reliability and punctuality. In November, Martyn got the job, he couldn’t be happier! He’s been working in the maintenance team, cooking fries, keeping the place looking clean and fresh and helping customers with touch screen ordering. His employer is thrilled with him and he’s loving every minute of it.

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"Everyone Loves Martyn Here"

Tyson, a shift manager at McDonalds Murwillumbah, recently gained a valuable team member in Martyn. Despite the restaurant losing staff due to them leaving school and moving forward with their life choices, Martyn’s arrival has been an enormous asset with his ability to handle multiple jobs such as pre-close work, wash-up, fries and restocking. Not only is he efficient, but he’s also helped maintain the cleanliness of the front of the restaurant. 

Significant Improvement from school to work

Tyson shared that he and Martyn actually went to school together and that Martyn was a year ahead. He wasn’t aware Martyn had secured employment at Mcdonalds’ and was happy to see him form part of the team. Tyson said, “I’ve seen a significant improvement in Martyn’s communication skills and ability to fit in with the team. Everyone at the restaurant has come to appreciate having Martyn around, and his positive impact is undeniable.

Martyn and Tyson standing in front of the McCafe sign in McDonalds Murwillumbah
"TURSA Support is Evident"

TURSA’s support has been instrumental in helping Martyn excel in his role at our restaurant. As a manager, it’s a huge relief to have someone like Martyn who is always punctual, 10 minutes early and takes the initiative by asking what tasks need doing and where. He’s also always impeccably dressed, which is a big deal for us. He is a great employee, and Martyn’s positive attitude towards work is contagious. Even when faced with tasks like washing dishes or changing bins, which can be unpleasant, he approaches them with a smile. 

Having Martyn on our team has been a positive experience for our entire team and me as a manager. Definitely a best employment outcome. His work ethic and attitude inspire our younger staff, and it’s a reminder that anyone can succeed in their chosen field, regardless of their challenges. Martyn is a valuable support for our team and a role model for others. Overall, having Martyn on our team has been a huge benefit, and we feel lucky to have him.”

TURSA helps people managing disability secure employment.  With 28 years of experience and a genuine desire to help make them your perfect choice as a DES provider.

Everyone has dreams, goals and ambitions, but sometimes they are yet to be realised. It can be challenging to keep pushing forward when there seems no hope of overcoming adversity. But it is possible! Here is proof that dreams come true; sometimes, an opportunity presents itself in the most unexpected moments.
It’s essential to have faith in yourself and never give up—even when the odds are stacked against you. When an opportunity arises, don’t hesitate: seize it with both hands and make your mark! You may be surprised at what you can achieve with determination and hard work. Additionally, don’t forget to accept support from others—it can often help open doors that seemed impossible before.

Here are a few of the hundreds of moments we experience across our network each week. We hope they inspire you as much as they do us.

Omot Photo Tursa Employment & Training
Celebration to Disapointment to Celebration

Omot faced a long and challenging journey of job seeking, enduring four years without success. However, despite language barriers causing the initial challenge for Omot, his commitment never wavered. He simply said to Tursa Employment & Training, “please find me any job – I will do anything”. Thankfully with persistence it paid off. Omot got an opportunity to access work with an understanding employer willing to look beyond linguistic boundaries and consider the strengths that would make Omot invaluable in their organisation.

The Unthinkable

Then Omot’s luck took a downturn as he was advised by his employer that they had lost the contract, meaning termination of his and all other staff’s employment. 

Tursa Employment and Training again offering necessary assistance for Omot to reapply for Job Seeker Payments, of course, it felt like a step backwards for Omot – until something interesting happened!

At the next appointment at TURSA, Omot announced he had approached the new contract winner directly.

Omot had approached the new company with unabashed courage and fearlessly put himself forward as a qualified candidate for the position. Presenting his experience with pride in the hope of consideration. 


A Second Chance

Omot’s advocate at TURSA arranged a meeting with the new contract holder and negotiated a trial shift. Shortly after, the employer contacted Tursa Employment and Training to advise that they would be pleased to offer Omot a position within the organisation. 

The employer has since informed us that Omot is an excellent asset to the team and that he will have employment for life with them should he wish.

It was a great feeling to witness that Omot has developed the confidence and communication skills to advocate for himself. 

Omot has come a long way, and we are proud to see his progress since commencing with Tursa Employment and Training.

Damo Photo Disability Employment at TURSA
How Damo overcame adversity!

Only 12 months ago, Damon was living in unsuitable housing and sinking into debt. His disability posed an additional barrier to gaining employment and provided more hurdles for him to climb over. But, it was no match for his perseverance and desire to create change. With the help of TURSA DES-ESS, Damon persevered, overcoming the barriers he faced and forging solutions to improve his life. Today, he is happily employed as a laundry serviceman at one of Brisbane’s hospitals – a testament to overcoming adversity and making positive changes in one’s life.

“I was living in unliveable accommodation in another suburb & my Disability Employment Advocate assisted me finding and applying for more suitable accommodation because of this help I’m now in suitable accommodation where I feel safe.”

“I felt as though being unemployed with a disability I dug myself into a hole and I’m now on the right path. I finally feel liberated, and my self-esteem is beginning to grow, I feel myself again.”

“I attempted to study a few different courses in an attempt to try new things with no success. My Disability Employment Advocate sat down with me and looked at different roles with different companies to help me find something that I could do within my ability, and we found my current role.”

“I wanted a job where I could remain active that I could physically complete as that’s very important to me. This role has really given me meaning in life and something to live for. Since commencing employment, I have had money to buy simple things like eating the foods I want and purchase things like clothes, underwear, and new tea towels.”

From Transport to Truss - Paul made an impression and secured his future.

Paul, a proud Indigenous man aged 64 with a disability that made him unable to sit for too long or undertake strenuous physical activity, faced an uncertain future.

TURSA’s Disability Employment Advocate introduced Paul to Steve from  Aboriginal Employment Strategy who in turn introduced Paul to The Truss Company.  Paul was initially not deemed suitable for the role he interview for but, he left such an impression on the General Managers April and Dean in just two days that they created job role tailored specifically for his capabilities. Paul at The Truss Company

Despite those initial doubts about whether he was suitable due to its physical requirements, five weeks later the company were saying “they wanted ten more people like Paul”. His story is one of courage and resilience which shows us how determination can take you places even when it seems difficult!

Anxiety and Mental Health did not stop Jo achieving her goals!

Jo was looking for an employer who could be understanding and accommodating of her mental health issues. Peta, Jo’s Disability Employment Advocate, worked hard to assist Jo and help find  solutions. Together they  crafted a new resume that highlighted the strengths Jo brought to any role. Peta assisted Jo with some new interview clothes and then got to work and started marketing Jo directly to employers.  A position was secured at North Lakes Hotel as a housekeeper and the employer was able to provide the hours Jo needed.  Jo recently advised us that; “She is enjoying the positive team environment, flexibility of hours around school pickups and the ability to rebuild her confidence.” 

With compassionate support from dedicated individuals like Peta’s working here at Tursa Employment & Training – Job searchers such as Joe are assisted into secure roles in which they can thrive!

Rachelle and Daniel photo in front of liberty community bus talking about creating an independent life doing what you love
Community Liberty Logo
 “It’s so rewarding to help the elderly live an independent life”  Daniel’s response when asked about what he loves about his job.

Rachelle – Daniel’s Manager, said:

“He is just lovely, pleasant and shows common sense and initiative, he has become an integral part of the team and I can’t speak highly enough of him”.

We sat down and had a chat to Daniel and this what he had to say.

Tell us a little about your TURSA experience?

”I’m proud of the fact that I had always been able to get interviews on my own – for some reason or another I just never seemed to be able to land the position, While TURSA is the first provider that helped link me with the right employer who created the perfect position for me based on my skills and experience it was certainly the right fit! Liberty is just amazing.

How has work change your outlook on life?

“It’s rewarding to help the elderly live an independent life.

It is good to go somewhere you enjoy going every day, has better financial benefits and it feels good to go home and talk about my day at work with my wife”.

What do you enjoy most about working for Liberty?

“The people here are amazing, so lovely. They were willing to mould a position to my skills and abilities and to have such approachable staff and senior management”.

Daniel holding liberty brochure photo
Photo of Mandi, Rowena and Allen at Liberty Community Connect
Photo of Liberty Buses at meeting where we discussed the benefits of creating an independent life doing what you love
Photo of Liberty Building at Nerang where they create the opportunity to enjoy and independent life
Who is Liberty Community Connect

Well, without reading the brochure and after spending under 30 minutes with CEO Allan, I had a pretty good idea.

They are a passionate, hardworking, driven team that doesn’t just discuss diversity and inclusion; they live it daily.

We were there to talk to a staff member Daniel, and while there, we got the pleasure of chatting with Allan and Rowena.

It’s such an inspiring feeling when you hear the passion, not in words, but the emotions and actions to help others live their best independent lives.

Allan had decided they wanted to attract people with employment challenges and find roles in which they could excel. If that meant a few modifications or a buddy system for an additional sense of support, then so be it.

Allan said, “It is essential that they have their own voice. They need to feel comfortable asking if they need help or can’t adapt, to be empowered, independent and contribute in their own right. They don’t need staff to try to help without asking if it’s needed.

Daniel has proven himself very capable; with a few simple modifications can drive and pick up clients. In the 4 months since he started, he has had various jobs that make him of great value. Daniel also assists in Admin, Domestic services and the Centre. Initially, Daniel wanted an admin role, but after some discussion, he has undertaken a traineeship. A certificate III in independent disability support.

We asked Allan if he recalled the interview when he first met Daniel and how we would describe him. Allan said, “I would call him a very articulate and passionate person; he was driven to find a job with purpose and value. I would also have to say he has an engaging personality and makes a genuine effort to help people; he’s proactive.

Daniel has been very open about the fact he doesn’t consider he has a disability. I would have to agree; he got the job because he can do the job”.

Rowena mentioned that Daniel had been buddied up with Mary, and she describes him “as an absolute hoot”.

Allan said; “they had initially taken on 10 trainees. While challenging, everyone learnt a lot from the exercise. While not all new staff worked out as some did not find the roles the right fit for them, overall, it has been a resounding success.

Meet an Angel – Jen Stuart.

Jen Stuart founded a program called the Abilities Plus Program in 2000 and has won numerous awards for the work she does including 2015 Gold Coast Volunteer of the Year, an Australian of the Year nomination in 2015 and a Small Employer of the Year finalist at the 2016 Queensland Training Awards. Read on and discover how one amazing lady said to me “my purpose in life is helping others” and went on to show me.


Jen created the Abilities Plus Program to give back to people and help change their lives. Having a tough childhood herself gave her the motivation and drive to help others find the road to recovery. That alone is inspiring and then Jen laughs and says, “I’m turning 72 very soon”. Motivated by her own life experience Jen helps others live the best life they can, she said she has only taken 1 day off in 30 years and that was to be a guest speaker!! Everything she does is practical in nature, from turning dirt into soil, to producing culinary herbs, fruits and salad vegetables to provide 2 boxes of organic food to donate to Rosies to help feed the homeless. In addition to this, support is provided to the domestic violence community and assists with gardening to the properties at no charge. Everything you see with Jen’s Nursery is holistic in its approach in giving back to others.

There is no power on the site and Jen with her team of trainees have turned a baron hillside into a productive garden.


Traineeships provide up to 10 Jobs


The Abilities Plus Program Jen runs is a traineeship. She supports up to 10 participants at a time and they are all paid above award traineeship wages. The training is focused on creating organic food through gardening. Offered as a 6-month program called the Certificate II in Land Management Conservation and Ecosystem Traineeship.


Mandi from TURSA was with me along with Katie and you could feel the emotion when they talked about Jen. She not only impacts the participants lives but the TURSA team as well. Mandi said “This woman is an angel put on this earth to change people’s lives, she is just incredible”.

Jen’s nursery has just relocated to Nerang 5 weeks ago from Mermaid after losing access to a site they had managed for a number of years(see previous challenges faced). Jen has quickly turned the hillside into a flourishing garden with the help from her trainees.

Bronwyn & Katie

“Bronwyn Met an Angel.  I’m Healing, Katie”

Katie from TURSA has two participants in the program. One of those participants Bronwyn had been struggling to gain employment and was managing some mental health and life hurdles as a result. Katie said “I had always seen in Bronwyn that there was so much good to give, this opportunity has been amazing for her, I have seen her blossom”. Bronwyn said to Katie “Jen has changed my life in 4 days, I’m healing Katie”.


Bronwyn loves working with other people and has a deep and amazing background working in the aboriginal community. This opportunity has allowed Bronwyn to become Bronwyn once again.


Fabio met an Angel “It’s good for my soul”

Fabrizio (Fabio) has been with TURSA for a while and was in Jobactive previously. He had worked at Currumbin Sanctuary and really loved that work experience. Fabio manages a few disabilities, and when the opportunity arose to work with Jen, Fabio jumped at the chance. He is so happy and doing something he loves. It has also given him some money that was desperately needed. Fabio loves being outdoors and working in the garden. Fabio said, “it’s good for my soul”.   

Without a licence, it was hard to find a role that Fabio could access from home. This location has been perfect, with a bus line right nearby, making it a simple process to get to work.

Jen is one of a number of amazing businesses that understand the importance of providing a calm supportive and structured approach, to provide a runway back to employment.   If you are seeking support getting back into employment, please take a moment and contact us.  We are here for you!


Fabio with Jen from Jen's nursery photo
Ben standing in front of Coles story about how he manages his disability

Living with Disability

Ben’s story is one of inspiration. He has dealt with anxiety and shyness in the past, but through hard work and dedication, he has been able to manage these challenges and make living with his disability easier to manage.

Finding the right employer was essential for Ben. He needed to find an organization that understood his strengths and can provide him with opportunities to grow.

Ben’s first two jobs involved food. Ben explained that he intensely disliked handling food from a very early age. Living with anxiety, Ben was working in a fast-food environment! Ben managed to stick to the role for 6 months but knew working in a fast-food customer service was not the right fit for him long term.

Mum Sue said, “Ben had tried numerous other support providers around town. He did not feel he was getting the support he needed. He decided to try TURSA and since meeting Kim, has not looked back.”


Gns Tursa (2)

Gaining Confidence

Since joining TURSA, Ben has found an enjoyable job that suits his skillset and interests. He works in a team environment where he feels supported by his managers. His favourite thing about his job is having a sense of control, and calm where he can work systematically. Ben said, “Because I need structure and order in my life, Coles is working out really well. I enjoy a role where I can be organised, paid regularly, and pay my bills. As a result, I feel far more relzed and in control of my life and how I spend my time.”


With the right support, Ben now is excelling in his role.


Ben found that TURSA not only provided him with the training he needed for work, but also the confidence to look for and move into a more suitable role. He is now working at Coles in Grafton as a night filler and says that he feels much more confident in his abilities. His goal is to provide the best night-filling work in-store.

Ben’s experience shows that TURSA can not only help with the technical aspects of finding a job, but also with the softer skills like building confidence. If you’re feeling stuck in your job search, remember that TURSA is here to help!


Are you looking for support to achieve your goals?

If like Ben, you are looking for a job that suits you contact us at TURSA we are here for you!


Mirjam Overcomes Adversity To Find A Love For Nursing

Mirjam Owen, had spent several years caring for her terminally ill husband and her mother who had dementia. She had been out of the workforce during this time due to being a carer.

Mirjam felt having the gap in her resume would make her unemployable, in addition Mirjam suffered from anxiety and low confidence. She was then put in contact with Tursa Employment and Training to help assist her in overcoming these barriers.

Melinda, from TURSA Nerang, was assigned as Mirjams Employment Adviser. When Melinda met Mirjam she could see that she needed support with her mental health. The priority was to help guide Mirjam to the support services she required. Melinda explained how mental health support works and that Mirjam was eligible for a mental health care plan. Mirjam was not aware that these services were available and through Melinda’s assistance, Mirjam found a GP who established a mental health care plan for her.

Melinda then discussed employment goals and suggested using her life experiences and turning them into a career.

“Miriam thrived in caring for others. By using those strengths, she could become a support worker or a nurse in aged care.” Melinda said.

TURSA assisted Mirjam to enroll in a Certificate III in Individual Support to formalise her skills.

While Mirjam was training to become an AIN her mother was placed into palliative care and sadly passed away. During this turmoil Mirjam still completed her certificate as she knew she wanted to be a Nurse and she wanted to keep herself busy.

Mirjam has since secured employment at Pindarra Palliative Care. Her gap in employment, actually gave her the experience to enter a new career she loves. Melinda will continue to support Mirjam throughout the first six months of employment.

Mirjam said “Melinda has changed my life. I am so grateful for her.’

If you want to find out how our services can help you, please contact us on 1800 670 914 or fill in the form below.

To find a TURSA location near you, click locations here.

Michael had worked in the banking industry for 20 years and found himself unemployed for 12 months. He was experiencing homelessness and living out of his car due to financial hardship. He wasn’t in the right headspace to begin applying for jobs due to some personal issues.

After attending Tursa Employment & Training in Mermaid Beach, Michael was able to access the support he needed to prepare for employment and become employment ready.

We got the chance to catch up with Michael to ask him about his experience with TURSA. He said;

“I wasn’t ready for a while, but when I knew I was employment ready, it was full steam ahead. I applied for a job, got the interview and then I was offered the job”.

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Employment ready support

Michael continued to say;

“My Employment Adviser Kylianne really helped me. The support I received was amazing and nothing I asked for was ever too much”.

“One time, I couldn’t attend a course because I was rushed to hospital. Kylianne was understanding and didn’t question it. I was never doubted or pushed, instead I felt supported in so many ways. It was her belief in me that really helped me. I was always made to feel welcome, I received tough love and thanks to her and everything she did, I now have a place to stay and a new job to start”.

“I hadn’t attended a job interview for 20 years so I needed help to get my resume up to date. One time I asked for a few dollars to buy some food and was given a $100 Coles voucher. Other times I received help to buy petrol, clothes and shoes and even to pay for my car rego”.

At TURSA, we have offices available for employers to use for interviewing and so we were also able to arrange interview space at our Palm Beach office for Michael’s interview.

We asked Michael what advice he would give to others who were returning to work, he said;

“I would say listen to your Employment Adviser, observe what they do, believe and trust their advice and then, get yourself employment ready ASAP”.

We congratulate Michael who started his new job this week.

When TURSA was introduced to Kathleen, TURSA identified a National Work Experience Programme with a local employer SUNST8, a pallet racking company. As a sole parent Kathleen was looking for a job that could fit in with her parenting responsibilities. SUNST8 assured Kathleen they would be able to offer her the flexible hours she required as a parent.

Kathleen successfully completed the National Work Experience Programme in October 2018 during which time she displayed excellent administration skills. SUNST8 offered Kathleen a position as an Administration Assistant at their Head Office which she happily accepted.

The update to this story is that Kathleen was recently named Employee of the Month, pictured above receiving her award with her work colleague Doug.

Celebrating Achievements Of People With Disability

Stacey (left) with TURSA’s Tracy White

TURSA staff members, clients and community members gathered across a number of locations between Forster and Noosaville this week in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the International Day of People with Disability. The morning tea celebration is all about raising public awareness and acknowledgement of people with disability as well as celebrating their achievements and contributions.

This year’s theme is “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all”. It aims to remove barriers for 4.3 million Australians living with disability. TURSA is proud to assist in overcoming barriers and empowering people with disability, injury or health condition to find and maintain sustainable employment. TURSA is committed to contributing to a community that creates equitable opportunities for everyone.

Creating a disability confident environment is incredibly important. TURSA appreciates and thanks everyone who joined us this week to help raise awareness as well as celebrate some well-earned success stories of our community members, like Stacey’s inspiring story.

Stacey was diagnosed with meningitis at just 10 months of age, although she was able to overcome the illness, the infection left her profoundly deaf from a very young age. Stacey learned to lip read in order to aid her communication, then two years ago, made the life-changing decision to undergo cochlear implant surgery.

The procedure not only dramatically improved Stacey’s ability to hear but also had a substantial impact on her quality of life and self-confidence. Subsequently she decided it was time to get back into the workforce by participating in a Work for the Dole project organised by TURSA at Loaves and Fishes.

Stacey’s hard work and commitment was rewarded when she was offered a permanent position, she has since moved into her current role as a Manager at the food distribution business.

TURSA played a crucial role in supporting Stacey’s transition towards employment by facilitating her provisional driver licence as well as her Forklift licence. “When I first registered with TURSA, I really wanted to work but I was also very shy and scared after having been out of work for over 10 years. The work experience at Loaves and Fishes gave me the chance to get back into the workforce and feel part of a team that supports and helps each other. I cannot thank TURSA enough for supporting me all the way through and Loaves and Fishes for giving me this great opportunity. I love my job and working for a company that provides food parcels for people in need,” said Stacey.

Who Are The Winners Of The 2017 Northern Rivers Business Awards

NSW Business Chamber Board Director Greg McNamara (left) with TURSA Site Manager Nigel Evans, Business of the Year Category Winners Pam Brook & Martin Brook from Brookfarm and NSW Business Chamber Chief Operating Officer Jane Nicholls.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Northern Rivers Regional Business Awards that were held at Elements of Byron on Saturday 2 September 2017.

90 finalists from a variety of industries including health care, retail, education, technology, manufacturing and tourism came together to celebrate business excellence in the region.

The big winner on the night, Brookfarm, not only won the category for Excellence in Business and Excellence in Export, but also managed to take home the TURSA sponsored 2017 Regional Business of the Year Award.

From humble beginnings in 2000, Brookfarm now employs approximately 70 staff members and exports its products all around the world. “For us, it’s so important that we connect agriculture, real food and make regional jobs, and make a difference to our community and environment. That’s what we’re about and we live that every day,” said co-founder Pam Brook.

Another winner on the night was MacLean-based retail business, SPAR MacLean, who won the TURSA sponsored Excellence in Retail Award.

Northern Rivers NSW Business Chamber Regional Manager, Jane Laverty said, “These awards are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate excellence in the local business community and showcase their success at a local, regional and state level”.

On this note, we would like to congratulate all the winners of the 2017 Northern Rivers Business Awards and wish them all the best in representing the Northern Rivers region in the upcoming NSW Business Chamber State Awards to be held on Friday 17 November 2017 in Sydney.

15 Retail Spar Maclean
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